Friday 16 November 2012

First Impressions: Halo 4

So this a first impression series will be about games I might review in the future but not right now and in the future I may do some walkthrough.
(Warning spoilers just skip down until you see the gap to avoid them!)
Now onto Halo 4 and how I think it is awesome yet flawed.
The campaign at the start revolves around Masterchief being attacked by a covenant splinter cell until you crash on a  forerunner planet. From this point on you are searching for a way to get of the planet and return to Earth to save Cortana before she becomes Rampant. Throughout the first few levels you are receiving signals from the ship "Infinity" and the main goal to find it.  While on the planet you discover some friendly security guards called prometheans who merely wish to kill you. Unfortunately this was all trap by a Forerunner named Didact  who you have just released (how did he survive the halo rings?) and now is in command of both the elites and the prometheans. So Didact wishes to wipe out all humanity, great job Masterchief! So now you must escape before the planet explodes and that's as far as I'm going to go.

The controls in this game are different again, I really don't know why they keep changing the controls in the past few Halo games if like me you're used to Halo 3 style controls set it on recon. The game does have some interesing new features such as the climbing minigame during the first level in the ship which requires you use the thumbstick to climb up and try to avoid the falling objects. In the game the graphics are absolutely amazing and push the Xbox 360 to the limit with some cutscenes looking almost photorealistic and the voice acting is phenomenal with many of the original cast reprising their roles.
The game features some amazing new guns from the prometheans that just look amazing and really fun to use. While playing this I noticed that a lot of the guns had been given boost such as the plasma pistol actually being slightly useful now but this also makes the Elites less of a threat in the game which can get really boring after mowing an army down but not being able to take down one promethean. Let's talk about the enemies in this game first Didact so far he is okay he does intrigue as he as telekinesis, managed to survive the Halo ring blast and for some reason wants to annihilate all of humanity.
The prometheans in this game are impressive as they seem to an almost unstoppable force for even Masterchief but this comes at the cost of the dignity of the elites. The sailbacks have experienced no change what so ever, they're still useless.
I have to say so far the game is looking good and I would highly recommend buying it or at least watch some playthroughs before deciding.

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