Friday 21 September 2012

Green Lanter Issue number 10

Green Lantern issue 10
We'll start with issue 10. We see on the cover Sinestro with chains and the indigo lantern symbol on his head. With Hal Jordan being restrained in the background. Personally I really like this cover as it does give you an idea of what the hell is going on Sinestro has been captured and brainwashed by the indigo tribe. We start the comic with Hal and Sinestro being chased by a bunch of psychotic loincloth wearing indigo tribe members. Hal explains to Sinestro that he was brainwashed by the ring but now that the power source is gone they're all free to roam an murder as they please. Sinestro wishes to fight but Hal uses his ring to throw him back and explains he has barely any power left in it. Immediately afterwards he decides to make a green SUV for them to ride around in (personally I would've perferred a porsche) and almost immediately find the guardian responsible for the creating the indigo tribe. They imprison him a large bird cage construct and question him. He explains to them that he can only gain control if the battery is restored. So Sinestro decides to distract the psychotic mob headed straight towards them (How they caught up with an SUV though is anyone's guess.) and he fends them all off with his fists. Meanwhile blackhand is running away to try and escape this planet to go back to Earth and raise the dead. When Hal and the guardian reach the battery they realise they can't power it without the power of empathy. But then Iroque the child killer enters express her sadness for all the atrocities she has committed as she sheds a single tear the battery is restored causing all the rings to activate and find their hosts. Meanwhile Black Hand sees the ring approaching him and promptly jumps off the cliff and falls to his death but this is not the end as his black ring finds him and resurrects him. After this resurrection he screams "I want to go home". Next in the last few pages we see Sinestro recaptured. The End.
Well this comic was actually pretty good. The story is amzing and never gets dull or drags also the dialogue is good a gives us the kind of relationship Hal and Sinestro have. Although I do find it weird that Hal claims he doesn't have enough energy and then makes a massive SUV construct to go riding arounding the jungle after that he then makes a cage. If he didn't have a lot of energy why not make a smaller vehichle. Another weird plot hole where did that black ring suddenly appear from was it just waiting at the bottom of the cliff this entire time. The art in this comic is gorgeous and the artist Doug Mahnke is able to an extraordinary amount of detail into the facial features but the problem is the facial expressions on the characters they range from good to ok to just downright goofy. Now because of the stellar writing from Geoff Johns and penciling of Doug Mahnke I give this 4/5 stars. 

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