Friday 14 September 2012

Hawkeye #1
Hawkeye number one's cover is bland it doesn't  give you any indication about the setting , plot or the tone of the comic. With an image of Hawkeye shooting an arrow of a building. We open with Hawkeye falling from a building and landing on the roof of a car.  After he crashes on the car he sent to the hospital and describes the fact that he has no powers and that when things are bad for him they are most likely mean he won't survive. After this we see Hawkeye in a veterinary all bruised and placing an injured dog on the table. We see that six weeks later he is wheeled out of the hospital and proceeds to throw the wheelchair into the road. While he is being yelled by at by of the hospital nurses he just shrugs him off as he enters the taxi. As the traffic grinds to a halt he leaves the taxi as he receives a barrage of profanity while he whistles casually. As he reaches his apartment he sees his Russian landlord Ivan (who uses bro every sentence) evicting a woman and her children while threatening to "keel" them. The woman begs Clint to help her. He takes a quick look at the lease and unfortunately there's nothing he can do about the eviction. We then go back to Hawkeye at the vet  where the dog is telling him to be ready in case his dog doesn't make it but Hawkeye keeps telling him the dog is not his and demands he do the surgery. After this we see Hawkeye  on the roof with his neighbours firing a coin at glass bottles. We see Hawkeye thinking his neighbours are jerks while discussing that the apartments in their block have been bought and all the tenants evicted. The next page shows us Hawkeye offering pizza to a dog and entering Ivan's secret underground casino.  He offers to pay for everyone's rent  but Ivan refuses while saying bro repeatedly. As he shuffles cards in his hands while the other members of Ivan's gang pull out guns. A fight scene ensues with Hawkeye using cards to defeat his opponents. Next we see Ivan and his gang enter the clinic. We then flashback to Hawkeye being thrown out a window while being chased by the dog's owner and shot at. As he gets shot in the arm the dog attacks the gunman and is thrown into the road. Hawkeye considers running away but runs back as he beats them he monologues about how dare they throw a dog into a road. With the dog in the road he throws a coin to break the window to stop one of the cars hitting him. Back in the clinic he beats up Ivan and the gang while the other people watch in horror. Hawkeye explains that he is an avenger. As he sends Ivan to a cab he forces him to take the money and not sell the apartment. Then the doctor comes out and explains the dog will make it after this we end with the dogs name being arrow.         
Opinion: Now personally I enjoyed this first issue as it sets up the tone of this series we see from this it will be quite a gritty and dark comic series. We see a big contrast between the way he acts with his neighbours and the way he acts with the gang. We see from the way he acts around his neighbours his is a kind and forgiving person as he is willing to spend his own money to pay for their rents. While he is utterly ruthless and unforgiving towards Ivan and coerces him into taking his money. Now the art in this comic is great and gives kind of a cartoony feel which is quite a difference to the style of writing used. One criticism of the art is that doesn't really have that much detail on character's features. The colouring also gives this book a unique look with the colours for the start being all bright while the at the vet clinic they're dark showing how things have changed through the comic. This comic was great first issue as it shows you the tone and makes you care about Hawkeye. So I will give this comic a 4/5

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