Wednesday 31 October 2012

digital d23 plays..........Dishonored

Hello and welcome to digital d23 plays and in this series we look at games I have been playing recently and see how good they are. These games will not just be recent but anything I have playing.
Anyway onto Dishonored I promise no spoilers except for the premise. The game is centred around Corvo the bodyguard of Emily the Empresses daughter after the Empress is assassinated by the lord regent Emily is kidnapped then Corvo is framed and sent to jail where he makes an escape with the help of some loyalists. When you meet the loyalists you receive both the famed mask above and the power of magic and with these tools you must rescue Emily and overthrow the lord Regent.
 The game mechanics in this are great as they give you the choice of sneaking around and not getting into fights or leave a trail of blood as you walk. The stealth mechanics in this game are some of my favourite as they are simple to learn but hard to master really it is all about timing and learning the guards patterns and striking now the game gives you two options when silently taking down guards non-lethal chokes and fatal stabs. The main problem with going around leaving a trail of blood is the chaos ranking the lower the chaos the better the outcome of the game while the higher the darker the ending. One of the mechanics in the game is magic such as blink, x-ray vision and swarm of rats. The only problem with this is that well it takes away from the stealth system.
One of the game's major strengths is the amount of lore and backstory put into the game such as letters, what characters say, books and of course audio clips. The game is great because of the little bits they've added in as well as the variety of ways to complete a mission. But the game does have some issues such as length if you were to skip everything and just rush through the game you could easily complete it in less than a day.
I would highly recommend getting this game to anyone who like any of the deus ex games or those who love stealth games.

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