Friday 12 October 2012

Note: Before I start I would like to apologise for being overly angry in my last review it's just I have a real problem with this portrayal of women in comics so the revised score is 1.5/5 for venom. But I stand by the comments I made in the last review. 

Incredible Hulk No 13

The cover for this is actually pretty good compared to some of the covers I have seen, it has some fairly good element s such as the looming Bruce Banner on the screen and the Hulk fearing for his life which if you the Hulk is quite worrying. Although I do notice no background and it is completely blank, fantastic.
Now we open with a recap of the plotline "Stay Angry" in which Bruce Banner went insane after he was re-united with the Hulk and scoured the Earth to find a cure for the Hulk so to stop him the Hulk must stay angry. Banner eventually succeeds resulting in the Hulk being trapped in a room with a needle about to "cure" him with a message.
So we open on that then the bald Banner tells him not to struggle or else! But then Banner apologises. We suddenly flashback to Banner being destroyed by the gamma bomb that re-united him with the Hulk. We get a look into what it's like for Banner in the Hulk's mind as he floats in a black void. Naked! Now you get image what I had to see, your welcome. Now we see that he is no longer insane, so gamma bombs cure insanity. Anyway he gets his body back and goes into a casino with only the iconic purple trousers on and uses a few cent to win a large sum of money. The casino worker asks how he got in and merely responds I know the bouncer. Which is a nice callback to when he was Mr Fixit.
So he amasses a fortune and uses it to finance his plans. Next we see Banner being rescued in the Antarctic by a blind doctor whom he talks to about how he seeks forgiveness and revenge! Now we're Latveria where Banner is blowing up Doom bots galore, then he asks a Doom why he separated him and the Hulk to which he responds" because I could". Banner promptly shoots him revealing another Doom bot. Banner is approached by a large group of Doom bots who cackle maniacally in unison. I was hoping they'd break into song. We're back in the lab of horrors where Banner explains he's sorry about every thing he has put the Hulk through and asks him to help get revenge who has been causing all their problems Doctor Doom. Banner claims that Hulk can destroy the "cure" and if he does there likely be impossible to make more. So Hulk decides to suit up and fight Doom right as some mercenaries enter the room. The end
Lets start with the good things first the art in this was just terrific and in a bi-weekly comic such as this it's impressive to see little or no problems with the art. The writing in this was superb in gives you a good insight in to Banner as it makes him somewhat redeemable for all the pain he's caused the Hulk. It gives you a look into a mind of a man who seeks forgiveness and revenge which is really interesting but there was missed opportunity with the Doom bots they could have done "Doom the musical". Anyway onto the bad the main problem with this book is all the jumping around from place to place and the whole gamma bomb cures insanity which is just ridiculous. So final score for Incredible Hulk no 13 4/5 the writing is superb as is the art so go out and get it now!

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