Friday 5 October 2012

Venom monsters of evil parts 1-3
The cover for venom number 23 is ok its got some good features like the looming face in the back ground and the pentagram with the cloaked figures. This image of venom implies that he is arming himself for some kind of fight. Now there are some problems with this cover such as the over-use of red and black as there aren't really any other colours used.
Now the artist for this is Thony Silas who likes to play a game called how many times can emphasise a woman's breasts which is just frustrating and sexist (something I will cover in another post) and frankly I'm sick of seeing this crap in comics. Now onto the story the first page starts with a blurb explaining venom's back story and how he was Flash Thompson a character from spiderman and how after he lost his legs in combat he got a chance to become an agent as the government had obtained the venom symbiote and wanted a government controlled spiderman. The comic starts with Venom re-iterating all this to us again but in a wasteful two page spread which just infuriates me because for those two pages we could have actual character development.
 Then we meet emphasised breasts attached some female reporter (I going to keep count of how many times he does this to female characters: one) who tells him about the department of occult affairs(2) a group obsessed with obtain mystical artifacts to conquer the world and so forth. She tells him where to find them. He goes in there gun crazy starting a long fight scene while monologuing about how he feels powerless without the suit and regrets all his bad choices in life, this scene is actually pretty good and is  good character development. We then see a room filled with pods and goo as venom pulls someone they turn out to be possessed by a demon and attacks him.But stops and apologises as he didn't recognise him and venom commands him to leave that body.
When suddenly Hellstrom appears (looking like Namor) to fight venom. He taunts him about how without the suit he is a "legless travesty" as he cuts off venom's legs, venom responds with "You talk too much!". Now again this is a good scene as it shows Flash's depression about losing his legs. Venom manages to get the upper hand on Hellstrom and tries to interrogate him while Hellstrom just taunts him. Then suddenly he branded by Hellstrom and possessed, end of issue. This comic sucked the art is sexist and can only draw two types of faces but did have some good scenes so it gets a 1/5 only for those scenes .
Now onto issue 24 no cover analysis as they are basically the same except with green instead of red which shows how lazy these people are. We open with possessed venom about to eat some people but is stopped by the will of Flash! Then he makes his escape into the woods where his hair turns bloody ginger! So then he goes to female reporters flat and no we are never told how he knows where she lives. So we see her on her mac with the squarest shoulders I have ever seen(3) as she hears him she grabs a gun(4) and goes down the hallway where he asks for help and we get to see her cleavage again!(5)He claims he needs an exorcist so she takes him a spiritual shop run by a priest and she constantly crosses her arms to of course push out her chest three times in one page(8).
The priest tries to communicate with the demon(9) and he responds to the father(10). The demon tells the priest he was promised endless slaughter and power(11) so the priest asks him why he doesn't leave(12). The demon responds fairly evilly "I try to break free" and "Help me". After this venom is back and decides to track down Hellstrom(13) but the reporter refuses to allow him to do it alone(14). So he goes alone and  tries to take down Hellstrom but before he does Hellstrom summons some demons end of comic. I hate this comic not just for the art but there really isn't any substance and for gods sake the emphasis is just sexist this gets 0/5 from me.
This is issue 25 and will it improve?! Hell no! We open with the same cover compositionally except with different colours. We open where we left off with demons attacking him while Hellstrom taunts him for several pages. Really it's just a long fight scene. Until we get a monologue from venom realising he might be able to control these demons as he did before use the analogy of his father putting his head under the water so he can learn to swim and manages to control the demons and has them beat up Hellstrom until he is a bloody pulp. This was a good scene as it gives us a look into Flash's mind, establishes some backstory as well as character development.
We then cut to prison where Hellstrom is being held, he explains to venom that venom might become the devil as several of the devil lords are about to enter the descent where one will become the true devil. So venom leaves to see more emphasised breasts (15). She asks if he still has the demon(16) inside him(17) which he does but is suppressing it through his shear force of will(18)! A little later we see Flash on the phone calling Betty(a previous girlfriend) to see if she is safe as she was previously targeted by villains. Now I hate these comics they're awful, the art is terrible and sexist emphasising her breasts every chance he gets and I will never pick up anything with Thony Silas' name on it. The story is very bland and has few good scenes but nothing really intriguing or clever and the dialogue is just terrible this comic number 25 gets 1/5 but only because the female reporter was barely in it.
But the 3-part story gets 0/5 it is terrible and frankly the sexism is just ridiculous and sickening, approximately 18 times the artist emphasised her breasts. Avoid at all costs.

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